Month: June 2022

(Partially) unanswered questions in budget talks

There are a lot of unknowns about how this year’s budget process will play out. Reporters have been peppering House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger with questions about it during our daily after-session “press gaggles,” but there aren’t many concrete details to report at this stage.

Written by on June 6, 2022

Medicaid Transformation continues with foster kids

Legislators are working on the next phase of the Medicaid Transformation shift to managed care. A new version of House Bill 144 unveiled Thursday would solicit bids from health care companies for a new “statewide children and families specialty plan” aimed at kids in foster care.

Written by on June 3, 2022

Why the marijuana bill got “no” votes from both parties

Only 10 senators voted against legalizing medical marijuana on Thursday, but the group represented a fascinating range of political ideologies. As one might expect, the “no” votes included some of the Senate’s most socially conservative members, such as Sens. Carl Ford, R-Rowan, Norm Sanderson, R-Pamlico, and Bob Steinburg, R-Chowan.

Written by on June 3, 2022