Month: February 2023

Insurance Dept. seeks rewrite of CCRC law

At the behest of the N.C. Department of Insurance, legislators this year may completely rewrite the statute that establishes the regulatory framework for North Carolina’s 63 licensed community care retirement communities.

Written by on February 27, 2023

More doctors needed

Current estimates suggest East Carolina University can start construction late in 2024 on the Brody School of Medicine’s new, $215 million home, but campus and UNC System leaders say there’s no time like now to begin expanding the school’s roster of trainees.

Written by on February 22, 2023

House bill targets international wire transfers

Republican legislators are usually fans of cutting taxes, and with legislative- and executive-branch economists agreeing the state’s on track for about a $3.3 billion surplus in fiscal 2022-23, there are already rumblings that more cuts might be on the way.

Written by on February 22, 2023

Legislators hear cautionary note on revenues

Don’t go counting your surpluses before they hatch. Fiscal Research Division economist Emma Turner didn’t say that, exactly, to House and Senate appropriations committee members during a briefing Tuesday morning on the consensus revenue forecast from her office and the Office of State Budget and Management.

Written by on February 22, 2023

UNC’s wish list

The UNC System’s Board of Governors is meeting this week and among other things is scheduled to ratify its fiscal 2023-24 budget request to the General Assembly.

Written by on February 20, 2023

Blue Cross goes to court

To the surprise of no one, particularly in state Treasurer Dale Folwell’s office, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of N.C. is taking its fight to keep the contract for serving the State Health Plan to the courts.

Written by on February 20, 2023

The long session’s few new ideas

The first few weeks of the long session have been full of bills we’ve seen before – from legislation previously vetoed by Gov. Roy Cooper to bills that just didn’t make it across the finish line last year.

Written by on February 17, 2023

More Labor Department inspectors?

Workplace safety advocates have long voiced doubts that the N.C. Department of Labor has a sufficient number of inspectors to monitor rules compliance at job sites, factories and other businesses.

Written by on February 17, 2023

Treasurer targeting hospital executive pay

State Treasurer Dale Folwell plans to turn up the heat again on the state’s hospitals at a 10 a.m. press conference today, issuing a report criticizing executive compensation at the state’s nine largest hospital systems.

Written by on February 17, 2023